
26 June 2022, 10am–3pm


Bundeena Oval




Wheelchair access

Artisan markets

This year we are excited to announce that the Art of Living Festival Markets will embrace what is the art of truly living by returning to an era where artisans will showcase their locally made, sustainable and creative wares. Our emphasis will be on supporting handmade, local and Australian products. The stalls will be carefully curated to allow all visitors to see what is uniquely creative in the Australian design space, meet the makers and purchase something special.

Please note that this is an outdoor market and subject to potential adverse weather conditions.

Stallholder applications

Fancy yourself as a veteran market trader or maybe you’re an aspiring market artisan? Applications for market stallholders are now available. Download our offical Market Infopack to secure your place. If you require further information about the markets email

Market Infopack